

I am an Early Career Provost Fellow at the University of Texas at Austin in the Department of Government and a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the Politics of Race and Ethnicity Lab. I am also an incoming Assistant Professor in the Department of International Affairs at the University of Georgia’s School of Public and International Affairs (starting Fall 2024). I received my Ph.D. in Political Science from the George Washington University (August 2021) and my BA in Judaic Studies and Political Science from Yale University. I study Comparative Politics with a focus on ethnic politics, nationalism, minority-state relations, civil war and Burma/Myanmar politics.

As part of my dissertation research, I conducted 13 months of fieldwork in Myanmar. My current book project examines the implications of ethnic minorities’ experiences in street-level bureaucracy for their attachment to the state and other political attitudes. My other projects examine ethnic minority mobilization for representation and political violence, effects of shared experiences on out-group attitudes, and the legacies of Christian missions on identity formation in Southeast Asia.

My research has received support from various sources, including the National Science Foundation’s Graduate Research Fellowship and Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant, GWU’s Sigur Center for Asian Studies, and Women in Southeast Asian Social Sciences